Translate Paragraf 2
Nama kelompok
1.Achmad Fauziansyah (10212078)
2.Fawwaz Fadika (12212835)
3.Imam Agus Prabowo (13212626)
4.Sofia Dwi Anggraini (17212095)
5.Stivan Earvin (17212157)
6.Widdy Febrian (17212682)
Kelas : 4EA11
First, production is the creation of services or the
changing of material into products. one example is the conversion of iron ore
into metal car parts. next these products need to be moved from the factory to
the marketplace. this is known as distribution. a car might be moved from a
factory in detroit to a car dealership in miami.
Pertama, produksi adalah terciptanya atau terjadinya
perubahan materi menjadi produk.salah satu contohnya adalah
konversi dari bijih besi logam yang menjadi bagian-bagianmobil. selanjutnya produk
tersebut dipindahkan dari pabrik ke pasar. ini dikenal
dengandistribusi. mobil dapat dipindahkan dari pabrik di detroit ke agen
penjualan mobil di miami.
1. What is the main idea of paragraph 1?
The main idea of paragraph 1 is a
definition of business is the production,distribution,and sale of goods and
services for a profit
2. How does the modern meaning of business differ from
traditional one?
concepts and
activities of business have increased in modern time. Traditionaly, business simply meant
exchange or trade for things people wanted or needed.
3. What is the main idea of paragraph 2 ?
of Production and
distribution of car
4. What is ‘Production’?
is the creation of services or the changing of materials into products.
5. What is distribution ?
need to be moved from the factory to the marketplace
6. How do goods differ from service ?
are products which people either need or want.Services,on the other hand,are
activities which a person or group performs for another person or organization
7. What is ‘Sale?
Sale is the exchange of a
product or service for money.
8. How many factors are there in bsiness ? what are they
Production, distribution and sale
9. What is profit ?
Profit is the money
that remains after all the expenses are paid
10. What is the primary goal of business activity ?
Creating an economic surplus or