
Senin, 17 Juni 2013

Contoh Relative Pronoun

Diposting oleh Unknown di 06.13 0 komentar

Relative Pronoun adalah kata ganti yang digunakan untuk memperkenalkan Adjective Clause yang menerangkan noun (kata benda). Bentuk dari Relative Pronoun adalah: who, which,whom, whose, dan that.

Contoh Relative Pronoun
Adapun contoh penggunaan Relative Pronoun dapat dilihat pada tabel di bawah ini.

Relative Pronoun
Digunakan untuk
Contoh Kalimat
Sebagai Subject
Noun - Orang
The man who speaks English every day is my grand father.

(Artinya : Pria yang berbicara bahasa inggris setiap hari itu adalah kakek saya)

I looked for the man who borrowed me money.

(Artinya: Saya mencari pria yang meminjami saya uang.)
The Man is my grandfather.
He speaks English every day.

“The man who speaks English every day is my grand father”

Who disebut sebagai Subject Pronoun (seperti penggunaan: I, he, she, etc), dan pada contoh kalimat tabel di atas:
Who merupakan subject dari verb = speaks serta memperkenalkan Adjective Clause yang menerangkan subject = The man.

Relative Pronoun
Digunakan untuk
Contoh Kalimat
Sebagai Object
Noun - Orang
The woman whom you kissed last night is my sister.

(Artinya: Perempuan yang kamu cium tadi malam adalah adik saya.)
The team whom you were watching has won three gold medals.
(Artinya: Tim yang kamu tonton telah memenangkan tiga medali emas.)
The Woman is my sister.
You kissed her last night.

“The woman whom you kissed last night is my sister”

Whom disebut sebagai Object Pronoun (seperti penggunaan: me, his, her, etc), dan pada contoh kalimat di atas:
Whom merupakan object dari verb = kissed serta memperkenalkan Adjective Clause yang menerangkan subject = The woman.

Relative Pronoun
Digunakan untuk
Contoh Kalimat
Subject / Object
Noun - Benda / Binatang
The movie which we saw last night was very good.

(Artinya: Film yang kita lihat tadi malam sangat bagus).
The table which was made of oak wood has broken.

(Artinya: Meja yang dibuat dari kayu oak sudah patah).
The movie was very good.
We saw it last night.

“The movie which we saw last night was very good”

(which digunakan karena mewakili the movie = it = kata benda)

Pada contoh kalimat di atas:
Which merupakan object dari verb = saw serta memperkenalkan Adjective Clause yang menerangkan subject = The movie.

Relative Pronoun
Digunakan untuk
Contoh Kalimat
Menerangkan Noun – Orang

 Yang – nya

I know the man whose bicycle was stolen.

(Artinya: Saya kenal dengan pria yang sepedanya dicuri).
The woman whose car I want to buy is my old friend.

(Artinya: Wanita yang mobilnya saya ingin beli adalah teman lama saya).
I know the man.
His bicycle was stolen.

“I know the man whose bicycle was stolen”

Whose digunakan untuk menunjukkan kepemilikan. Whose juga mempunyai arti yang sama seperti layaknya penggunaan my, our, their, etc.

His bicycle = whose bicycle

Relative Pronoun
Digunakan untuk
Contoh Kalimat

Subject / Object

Menerangkan Noun – Orang, Benda, dan Binatang


The car that I bought 3 years ago has been stolen by my own brother.

(Artinya: Mobil yang saya beli 3 tahun yang lalu telah dicuri oleh adik saya sendiri.)
I thanked the woman that helped me.

(Artinya: Saya berterima kasih kepada wanita yang menolong saya.)
The car has been stolen by my own brother.
I bought it 3 years ago.

“The car that I bought 3 years ago has been stolen by my own brother”

Pada contoh kalimat di atas:
That merupakan object dari verb = bought serta memperkenalkan  Adjective Clause yang menerangkan subject = The car.

I thanked woman.
She helped me.

“I thanked the woman that helped me”

Pada contoh kalimat di atas:
That merupakan subject dari verb= helped serta memperkenalkan Adjective Clause yang menerangkan subject = The woman.

Dalam percakapan sehari-hari:
Sebagai Subject Pronoun, who lebih umum digunakan daripada that.
Sebagai Subject Pronounthat lebih umum digunakan daripada which.

Dalam percakapan yang sangat formal, prepositions digunakan sebelum adjective clause. Contohnya:
She is the woman
I told you about her

She is the woman about whom I told you.

Biasanya dalam percakapan sehari-hari, prepositions digunakan setelah subject dan verb (kata kerja) dari adjective clause. Contohnya:
The music was good
We listened to it last night

The music which we listened to last night was good.
The music that we listened to last night was good.

Jika prepositions berada diawal dari adjective clause, hanya whom atau which yang boleh digunakan. Prepositionstidak pernah langsung diikuti dengan that atau who.


Minggu, 16 Juni 2013

Artikel Relative Pronoun

Diposting oleh Unknown di 05.12 0 komentar
 Self-confidence is one aspect of personality that is very important in human life. Self confident people are confident about their own abilities and have realistic expectations, even when their expectations are not realized; they stayed positive and can take it.

Self-confidence is a mental or psychological condition of a person who gives a strong confidence in him to do or perform any act. People who do not believe in themselves have a negative self-concept, lack of confidence in his ability, because it is often kept to them. Self confidence is a mental or psychological condition,which individuals can evaluate the entirety of her strong belief in giving him the ability to take action in achieving various goals in life.
People who have good self-confidence, they have positive feelings toward themselves, have strong beliefs on him and had accurate knowledge of the capabilities. People who have good self-confidence are not the only person who feels capable of (but not really afford) but is a person who knows that he can be caused by experience and calculation that he did.
Synonyms:  aplomb, inner strength, positive self-image, self-assurance

Personality traits of people with low self-confidence
When this is linked to the practice of everyday life, people who have low self-confidence or have lost confidence, tend to feel / be as below:
 Do not have anything (desires, goals, targets) which fought energetically
 Do not have a decision to step decisive
 Easily frustrated or give up when faced with a problem or difficulty
 Less motivated to go forward, laziness or half and half
 Often fails to accomplish its tasks or responsibilities
 Awkward in dealing with people
 Can’t demonstrate the ability to speak and the ability to listen to a convincing
 Often have unrealistic expectations
 Too perfectionist
 Too sensitive

Help: low self-confindence
Counselling,  life coaching, and hypnotherapy are common therapies used to help improve self-confidence.


Contoh Relative Pronoun


Relative Pronoun adalah kata ganti yang digunakan untuk memperkenalkan Adjective Clause yang menerangkan noun (kata benda). Bentuk dari Relative Pronoun adalah: who, which,whom, whose, dan that.

Contoh Relative Pronoun
Adapun contoh penggunaan Relative Pronoun dapat dilihat pada tabel di bawah ini.

Relative Pronoun
Digunakan untuk
Contoh Kalimat
Sebagai Subject
Noun - Orang
The man who speaks English every day is my grand father.

(Artinya : Pria yang berbicara bahasa inggris setiap hari itu adalah kakek saya)

I looked for the man who borrowed me money.

(Artinya: Saya mencari pria yang meminjami saya uang.)
The Man is my grandfather.
He speaks English every day.

“The man who speaks English every day is my grand father”

Who disebut sebagai Subject Pronoun (seperti penggunaan: I, he, she, etc), dan pada contoh kalimat tabel di atas:
Who merupakan subject dari verb = speaks serta memperkenalkan Adjective Clause yang menerangkan subject = The man.

Relative Pronoun
Digunakan untuk
Contoh Kalimat
Sebagai Object
Noun - Orang
The woman whom you kissed last night is my sister.

(Artinya: Perempuan yang kamu cium tadi malam adalah adik saya.)
The team whom you were watching has won three gold medals.
(Artinya: Tim yang kamu tonton telah memenangkan tiga medali emas.)
The Woman is my sister.
You kissed her last night.

“The woman whom you kissed last night is my sister”

Whom disebut sebagai Object Pronoun (seperti penggunaan: me, his, her, etc), dan pada contoh kalimat di atas:
Whom merupakan object dari verb = kissed serta memperkenalkan Adjective Clause yang menerangkan subject = The woman.

Relative Pronoun
Digunakan untuk
Contoh Kalimat
Subject / Object
Noun - Benda / Binatang
The movie which we saw last night was very good.

(Artinya: Film yang kita lihat tadi malam sangat bagus).
The table which was made of oak wood has broken.

(Artinya: Meja yang dibuat dari kayu oak sudah patah).
The movie was very good.
We saw it last night.

“The movie which we saw last night was very good”

(which digunakan karena mewakili the movie = it = kata benda)

Pada contoh kalimat di atas:
Which merupakan object dari verb = saw serta memperkenalkan Adjective Clause yang menerangkan subject = The movie.

Relative Pronoun
Digunakan untuk
Contoh Kalimat
Menerangkan Noun – Orang

 Yang – nya

I know the man whose bicycle was stolen.

(Artinya: Saya kenal dengan pria yang sepedanya dicuri).
The woman whose car I want to buy is my old friend.

(Artinya: Wanita yang mobilnya saya ingin beli adalah teman lama saya).
I know the man.
His bicycle was stolen.

“I know the man whose bicycle was stolen”

Whose digunakan untuk menunjukkan kepemilikan. Whose juga mempunyai arti yang sama seperti layaknya penggunaan my, our, their, etc.

His bicycle = whose bicycle

Relative Pronoun
Digunakan untuk
Contoh Kalimat

Subject / Object

Menerangkan Noun – Orang, Benda, dan Binatang


The car that I bought 3 years ago has been stolen by my own brother.

(Artinya: Mobil yang saya beli 3 tahun yang lalu telah dicuri oleh adik saya sendiri.)
I thanked the woman that helped me.

(Artinya: Saya berterima kasih kepada wanita yang menolong saya.)
The car has been stolen by my own brother.
I bought it 3 years ago.

“The car that I bought 3 years ago has been stolen by my own brother”

Pada contoh kalimat di atas:
That merupakan object dari verb = bought serta memperkenalkan  Adjective Clause yang menerangkan subject = The car.

I thanked woman.
She helped me.

“I thanked the woman that helped me”

Pada contoh kalimat di atas:
That merupakan subject dari verb= helped serta memperkenalkan Adjective Clause yang menerangkan subject = The woman.

Dalam percakapan sehari-hari:
Sebagai Subject Pronoun, who lebih umum digunakan daripada that.
Sebagai Subject Pronounthat lebih umum digunakan daripada which.

Dalam percakapan yang sangat formal, prepositions digunakan sebelum adjective clause. Contohnya:
She is the woman
I told you about her

She is the woman about whom I told you.

Biasanya dalam percakapan sehari-hari, prepositions digunakan setelah subject dan verb (kata kerja) dari adjective clause. Contohnya:
The music was good
We listened to it last night

The music which we listened to last night was good.
The music that we listened to last night was good.

Jika prepositions berada diawal dari adjective clause, hanya whom atau which yang boleh digunakan. Prepositionstidak pernah langsung diikuti dengan that atau who.


Artikel Relative Pronoun


 Self-confidence is one aspect of personality that is very important in human life. Self confident people are confident about their own abilities and have realistic expectations, even when their expectations are not realized; they stayed positive and can take it.

Self-confidence is a mental or psychological condition of a person who gives a strong confidence in him to do or perform any act. People who do not believe in themselves have a negative self-concept, lack of confidence in his ability, because it is often kept to them. Self confidence is a mental or psychological condition,which individuals can evaluate the entirety of her strong belief in giving him the ability to take action in achieving various goals in life.
People who have good self-confidence, they have positive feelings toward themselves, have strong beliefs on him and had accurate knowledge of the capabilities. People who have good self-confidence are not the only person who feels capable of (but not really afford) but is a person who knows that he can be caused by experience and calculation that he did.
Synonyms:  aplomb, inner strength, positive self-image, self-assurance

Personality traits of people with low self-confidence
When this is linked to the practice of everyday life, people who have low self-confidence or have lost confidence, tend to feel / be as below:
 Do not have anything (desires, goals, targets) which fought energetically
 Do not have a decision to step decisive
 Easily frustrated or give up when faced with a problem or difficulty
 Less motivated to go forward, laziness or half and half
 Often fails to accomplish its tasks or responsibilities
 Awkward in dealing with people
 Can’t demonstrate the ability to speak and the ability to listen to a convincing
 Often have unrealistic expectations
 Too perfectionist
 Too sensitive

Help: low self-confindence
Counselling,  life coaching, and hypnotherapy are common therapies used to help improve self-confidence.



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